NAB 2019

NAB 2019: Vizrt To Debut Viz Engine 4, Will Roll Out Largest AR Show in Vegas

Vizrt (SL3316) will showcase new technology, including the new Viz Engine 4, that helps to tell powerful stories in the studio, in the stadium, and for every live production at NAB 2019. 

The New Viz Engine 4: Render Engine for Live Media
The next generation Viz Engine features high-quality real time performance, effects for photo-realism, low latency media flows, and new compositing features.

Viz Engine 4 also offers support for all major and emerging formats and media technologies – including SDI, 2110 and NDI, UHD and HDR. The graphics engine also offers intuitive control applications, a built-in asset management tool, full backward compatibility of scenes and a tight integration of UE4. Throughout NAB, storytellers will be able to see and learn how Viz Engine 4 will be the graphics platform for the biggest broadcasters and media content creators in the industry.

The Big AR Show Powered by Viz Engine 4
An all-new Big AR Show, the largest augmented reality show in Las Vegas, will display Viz Engine 4’s new capabilities for rendering photorealistic data-driven graphics blended with a physical studio. The show will be live, every half-hour on the Vizrt booth throughout NAB. The Big AR Show will focus on using AR for elections and reveal why every American broadcast network used Viz Engine and Vizrt’s data-driven AR tools during the 2018 mid-term elections.

The Big AR Show has been designed with the new Viz Artist 4, which will be available in both free and professional editions. More information about the power of Viz Engine 4 and the design capabilities of Viz Artist 4 will be premiered at Vizrt’s NAB press conference, April 7.

End-to-End Live News Production Workflows
Vizrt offers an end-to-end workflow for all the live news production needs. In the newsroom journalists can edit graphics templates with an easy-to-use HTML interface in their NRCS, and in the control room automation controls the live show, error-free.

To bring media companies into the future of live production and content creation, Vizrt will present at NAB the latest in software-based workflows for driving breaking news and live sports with an intuitive automation system. The automation system Viz Mosart, and the video editing and publishing tool, Viz Story, allow the same staff to produce more content for more channels.

Viz Virtual Studio and Viz Libero
Vizrt’s Viz Virtual Studio, combined with the Viz Libero sports analysis system, allows presenters to join players virtually on the field, or the game can be brought virtually into the studio – both creating in-depth analysis in the studio that amazes audiences. Vizrt’s solutions allow sports rights holders to monetize their production with unobtrusive virtual advertisements embedded into the game footage that can be customized for multiple regional outputs.

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